Granite Bay Staging Area

Parking at Granite Bay staging area - there is more parking area behind rigs on the left

Ramp at Granite Bay Staging Area

Round pen - located in the picnic area next to the parking

Some of the new picnic tables in the picnic area located next to the parking - round pen off to the left. 

"Horse only" trail at Granite Bay - some trails are multi use and there are a few trails that horses ARE NOT allowed on - there are signs

Granite Bay - one of the more technical trails - heading north out of staging area

Riding along the Granite Bay trails

View of Folsom Lake from trail - lake level is low

Folsom Lake and beach - lake level is low

Single track trail on the north side of staging area

Picnic area at Granite Bay - the round pen now takes up part of the room

Horses hanging out at picnic area  - there new additional tie posts 

Ties posts located just off to the left off the picnic area - round pen is to the right.

New wash racks - located near the bathrooms. Water trough off to the right

New water trough - located near the wash racks. Wash racks located to the left.

Restrooms at Granite Bay Staging Area


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